A project in collaboration with researchers from the Eurac-Institute for Regional Development and Location Management as part of the initiative Journeys through Art and Science
Within the initiative MUSEION at the EURAC tower, we were confronted with the implications of automobile traffic in the Alps and were asked to pose concrete questions through our work as well as to actively involve the public. The basic assumption for the project was that for everyone it is difficult to subtract from the feeling of omnipotence that cars are transmitting to their drivers.
Thus, with the installation of a car counting display on the tower, we aimed at observing with perseverance the attitude of car drivers in Bozen-Bolzano. We wanted people to interrogate themselves on the use they make of their car and how this sums up with the behavior of all the other drivers.
On the square in front of the tower, which is unusable for recreation because it lays next to a heavily trafficked road, we set up an island of plants representing a place of refugee from the surrounding noise, air and visual pollution.
On the inside of the tower, where the visitor can usually hide away from the annoying traffic, we installed a series of speakers that brought the noise of the passing cars in real time and 1 to 1 intensity into the building.
Through our interventions we aimed at unhinging inveterate habits by stimulating a new sensitivity for the treated issue.
For us the collaboration with the researchers stood at the center of the project and the installations as well as the informational flyers present in the exhibition were the outcome of intense discussions between Falvio Ruffini, Sandra Lange, Annegret Franz, Eva Teglas and us.
Curated by Letizia Ragaglia, MUSEION and Annelie Bortolotti, EURAC
The project has been generously supported by: