Brave New Alps

The Right to the (New) City: Art, New Towns and The Commons


Il 6 luglio contribuiremo al simposio “The Right to the (New) City: Art, New Towns and The Commons”, organizzato da Claire Louise Staunton per MK Gallery a Milton Keynes, UK. Condivideremo alcuni pensieri sulla relazione fra beni comuni, far comune ed economie di comunità e su come questi concetti e relativi quadri teorici sono rilevanti per la nostra pratica e ricerca e come cerchiamo di attivarli nei nostri progetti.

The Right to the (New) City: Art, New Towns and The Commons


On the 6th July we’ll contribute to the symposium “The Right to the (New) City: Art, New Towns and The Commons”, organised by Claire Louise Staunton for MK Gallery in Milton Keynes, UK. We’ll share some thoughts on the commons, commoning and community economies and how these concepts and related frameworks are currently relevant for our doing and research and how we are trying to activate them in practice.