Neville Brody, Head of CA&D
The search and selection process is now completed and the new Head of Communication Art & Design at the RCA is Neville Brody. Here the official announcement that today went out to the press:
For Immediate Release:
Neville Brody: Royal College of Art “de facto natural home for all visual communications” as he accepts position as Head of Communication Art & Design
LONDON, 22 March, 2010 — Neville Brody has been named as the new Head of the Department of Communication Art & Design at the Royal College of Art, taking up the position on 1 January 2011. He will be succeeding Professor Dan Fern, who retires at the end of the academic year.
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On the 10th of March 2010, after the presentations of the short-listed candidates for the position of new Head of Department of Communication Art & Design at the Royal College of Art, 44 students (51% of CA&D MA students) gathered in order to expressed their voice and preference.
To every candidate each of the present students assigned a number from one to seven. One represents the preferred candidate, seven the least. Summing up the results, these are the avarage points each candidate was assigned and the avarage ‘mark’ he got.
These results were forwarded to the selection committee together with a document which explained in more detail what was discussed in the group. Students were assured that their opinions would be taken into consideration.