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Decode Jerusalem. From this platform you can download the guide for free and print it out.
Photo: Hiroshi Iwasaki
Decode Jerusalem is a free independent alternative travel guide to East Jerusalem. It invites you to stroll around places that are hardly mentioned in conventional travel guides and aims at letting you discover some crucial aspects that the Israeli occupation, going on since 1967, brings with it.
Decode Jerusalem as a tool that allows you to broaden your understanding of the conflict and helps you to make sense of what you see and experience. For every described location the guide is giving you two assorted opinions: the Palestinian and the Israeli Zionist point of view. Like this the book tries to give you the understanding of what the occupation is about and what it means for the local population.
The guide is the result of an MA thesis in
International Peacebuilding at the University of Bologna.
Scarica la versione italiana di Decode Jerusalem (57 pagine - pdf - 26 Mb)